No Cost

The South Coast Track is free to walk. The only cost incurred is the National Parks Pass required to visit.

National Parks Pass

The South Coast Track is situated within the Southwest National Park and like any other Tasmanian National Park, you need a parks pass to enter. Parks passes can be purchased online, at Service Tasmania Shops or from Par-Avion before your flight.

Passes range from $30 for 8 weeks to $96 for 1 year. For further information visit the Parks and Wildlife website or call 1300 827 727.


The 1:100,000 scale map called ‘South Coast Walks’ is best suited for the South Coast Track. It shows all tracks, huts, landing strips, plus text on walking notes, heritage and safety information. The Map can be purchased from the  Parks and Wildlife Shop.

Fuel stove only area

The Southwest National Park is a fuel stove only area. There is however an exceptions to this at the Little Deadmans Bay where campfires are permitted in the designated areas.  Be sure to fully extinguish campfires before leaving camp at any time.

Walkers must carry their own fuel. However fuel can not be taken on flights with Par Avion. Instead, cooking fuel must be purchased at the beginning of the walk at Melaleuca. Please bring your own (empty) fuel container.

Gas Canisters: $15.00 per 230g canister. Methylated Spirit & Shellite: $6.00 per litre.


The South Coast Track home to the Tiger Snake, Copperhead and White-lipped Whip Snake, all of which are venomous.bIt is recommended that gaiters are worn while walking to prevent snake bites.

If biten it is important to stay calm. Fear can quickly lead to shock which makes the situation more dangerous.Bandage the area of the bite immediately with a wide, firm bandage and cover as much of the surrounding area as possible. This should not be so tight that the blood supply is cut off. If the bandage hurts it is too tight. Immobilise the bitten area, if the bite is on a limb use a splint to secure it.

Keep the injured person still. Do not let the person walk. Bring help to the person. It is highly recommended that each walking party carry an EPIRB for use in these situations.


It is highly recommended that each walking party use a Personal Locator Beacon while walking the South Coast Track.  These can be hired from Service Tasmania on a weekly basis at $40 per week. Visit the Parks and Wildlife website for more information on EPIRBs.


Clean drinking water is easily found along the South Coast Track. There are however a few longer sections where water might not be drinkable, this is particularly the case when walking over muddy ranges. Note rivers on your guide maps and always carry at least 3 litres to be safe.

 More Information

The following websites provide further information on the South Coast Track